National Alumni Association

National Alumni Council (NAC)
The Providence College National Alumni Association fosters a spirit of camaraderie among its members and advances the mission of the college. It supports the ongoing efforts of various college programs that create a strong sense of connection to PC. The council is the leadership group that administers the association’s business and programs. The Association has a wonderful history of service that is rich with tradition and volunteerism.
The Association holds a variety of events each year, including Friar game watches, alumni and student career nights, community service activities, spiritual celebrations, and educational programs. Hundreds of alumni volunteers donate their time and talents to make these gatherings successful.
Open council positions are selected by a board committee through a nomination process each spring. The Executive Vice President position is elected by the alumni community and serves a three-year term including President and Immediate Past President. Information about the process will be available in March 2025.
Our Mission
- To foster a spirit of association among alumni/ae and provide opportunities for alumni/ae to develop a lifelong relationship to Providence College [the “College”] by encouraging camaraderie through College activities, religious and educational programs, and community service.
- To assist and support alumni/ae through recognized clubs & networks, affinity groups, and other groups in their integral role in continuing the bonds with alumni/ae, and in promoting College traditions to current and potential students.
- To work with the College alumni/ae, student body, faculty, and staff when appropriate to strengthen and advance the distinctive Dominican and Catholic identity of the College and otherwise further the mission of the College.
- To assist the Office of Institutional Advancement [the “OIA”] in promoting philanthropic education and support of the College.
Executive Board

Brian McManus ’90

Kathleen McGinley Neiman ’82
Vice President

Joseph Giovengo ’98
Vice President, Engagement

Brian Gay ’11
Vice President, Operations

Earnest (Earl) Smith, Jr. ’92
Immediate Past President

Walter Adamowicz ’56

Saadia Ahmad ’14

Naomi Brown-Jones ’11

Cassandra Caggiano Iadeluca ’18

John Ryan (JR) Cummings ’09

Mal Davis ’81

Katie Ferris ’13

John Freeman ’89

Keishia Benjamin Green ’99

Sean Holley ’84

Becky Curran Kekula ’06

Sean King ’21

Richy Kless ’74, ’78G, ’82SCE

Kathryn Lamontagne ’01, ’03G

Christopher Lindo ’06

Michelle Barbieri Lough ’96

George Mason ’84

Luis Nouel ’05

Jennifer MacCallum O’Meara ’93

Donald Sauvigne ’68

Dwayne Sheppard ’93

Joe Small ’74

Michelle Trieu ’14

James Vallee ’88

John Wolf ’13G

Sarah Firetto ’03
Director, Office of Alumni Relations

Katherine Hypolite-MacMannis ’08
Strategic Planning Manager

Robert Reilly ’86
Assistant Professor of Practice in Finance

Perla Castillo Calderon
Director, Center at Moore Hall

Christina Charlie ’25
President, Student Alumni Ambassadors

Rev. James F. Quigley, O.P. ’60
Associate Chaplain for Alumni