NAA Awards

National Alumni Association Awards
The Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to recognize the achievements of our distinguished alumni with the National Alumni Association Awards. Presented to select honorees, awards are distributed throughout the academic year.
The committee is currently seeking nominations for alumni of all class years. Please be as thorough as possible with your nomination to help us recognize our alumni more personally. Nominees who are not selected to receive an award this year will be automatically considered in next year’s application pool. Nominations are valid for a three-year period.
Award Categories
Service to the Alumni Association
This award recognizes alumni with long and outstanding records of volunteer leadership on behalf of Providence College and the National Alumni Association.
Personal Achievement
This award recognizes Providence College graduates with an exceptionally high level of achievement in their respective career, chosen vocation, and/or in areas of human service.
Bishop Harkins
This award recognizes alumni for outstanding service and dedication to the Catholic Church and its mission.
Exemplary Citizenship
This award recognizes alumni for their development, implementation, and/or involvement in social action programs that have contributed to improving the lives of others.
Service to Education
This award recognizes extraordinary career achievements in the field of education through classroom involvement and/or administration.
Faithful Friar
This award recognizes loyalty and long-term dedication to Providence College, with a consistent and distinguished record of service — giving of time, talent, and/or financial support.
Rev. Philip A. Smith, O.P.
This award recognizes an outstanding “Friar of the Last Decade” for exceptional achievement and significant contributions to their profession, community, and to Providence College. It is intended to honor those who seek to increase alumni engagement and serve as an inspiration to others.Nominee must be a member of the FOLD (2024-2015).
Please submit nominations by June 30 to be considered for the next slate of recipients. Nominations submitted after June 30 will be considered for the next nomination pool.
2024 Award Recipients

Adetola Abiade ’95
Exemplary Citizenship Award
For outstanding leadership in organizational development and human capital strategies, most recently with the United States Agency for International Development;
For promoting international economic prosperity through outreach, workforce planning, and professional training;
For fostering business agility, employee wellness, and collaboration across private and non-profit sectors;
And for tirelessly giving back as an advocate, mentor, and coach, helping others maximize their potential;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor Adetola Abiade ’95 with this 2024 Exemplary Citizenship Award.

Emily Byrne ’04
Personal Achievement Award
For exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to socioeconomic justice;
For groundbreaking research, advocacy, and policy work at the state and national levels;
For organizing efforts to uplift and empower disadvantaged children and families, formerly as founding director of New Haven Promise, and currently, as executive director of Connecticut Voices for Children;
And for continually striving to advance family economic security and dismantle cycles of poverty;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor Emily Byrne ’04 with this 2024 Personal Achievement Award.

Donald DiLauro ’68
Faithful Friar Award
For professional achievements over a long and decorated career spanning more than 40 years;
For unwavering support of the Providence College National Alumni Association, including service on the Board of Governors;
For fostering alumni connections as president, vice president, treasurer, and executive board member of the New Haven Alumni Club;
And for facilitating the Veritas Awards Dinner, providing need-based scholarships for New Haven-area students;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor Donald DiLauro ’68 with this 2024 Faithful Friar Award.

John Formica ’81
Faithful Friar Award
For fostering alumni ties and connecting Friar students to professional opportunities;
For dedicated support of Providence College’s fundraising efforts, generating significant financial investments for the institution;
For more than 12 years of service on the Providence College School of Business Advisory Council;
And for serving the local community through non-profit work with The Connecticut Forum, National MS Society, Pan-Mass Challenge, and the Block Island Food Pantry, among others;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor John Formica ’81 with this 2024 Faithful Friar Award.

Bob Ferreira ’83
Service to Alumni Association Award
For unwavering commitment to the advancement of Providence College, supporting institutional efforts like Reunion, Homecoming, and regional alumni programming;
For spearheading engagement opportunities for students, families, and alumni, strengthening connections within the college community;
For dedicated work in strategic planning, special projects, and donor relations;
And for cultivating Friar relationships, fostering community through personal and professional networking;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor Bob Ferreira ’83 with this 2024 Service to the Alumni Association Award.

William Molloy ’69
Service to Education Award
For more than three decades of exceptional service in public education, serving as a teacher, administrator, and assistant superintendent;
For enriching the minds of aspiring educators as a full-time lecturer at the University of Rhode Island;
And for creating a legacy of international change, empowering students in more than 500 schools in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya through founding work with the Africa Teacher Foundation;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor William Molloy ’69 with this 2024 Service to Education Award.

Kevin Porras ’14
Rev. Philip A. Smith, O.P. Award
For exemplary service to the local community, leveraging a career in finance to promote social justice;
For tireless efforts in construction debt financing, providing affordable housing for those affected by redlining and disinvestment;
For advancing equitable and inclusive educational opportunities for BIPOC students, serving as chairman of the Times2 Academy’s Board of Directors;
And for embodying the values of hard work, discipline, and selflessness;
For these reasons and many more, the Providence College National Alumni Association is proud to honor Kevin Porras ’14 with this 2024 Rev. Philip A. Smith, O.P. Award.
Past Recipients
The following is a list of past recipients of the National Alumni Association Awards.
* indicates the recipient is deceased.
John Accino ’46, ’93Hon.*
Walter Adamowicz ’56
Francis G. Adams Jr. ’60, ’98P
Leonard N. Alsfeld ’74
Karl Anderson ’88
Kerry Anderson ’88
Alfred C. Angelone ’62, ’89P, ’94P*
Norm Auger ’57
Raymond Bagley ’47, ’72, ’75, ’76, ’82P*
Allan Baker ’74*
John B. Barnini ’40*
David M. Barry ’48*
Rev. Aloysius Begley, O.P. ’31, ’65Hon., ’69Hon.*
Adam Benjamin ’91, ’23P
Meg Howley Benjamin ’91, ’23P
J. Peter Benzie ’70*
Robert L. Bergquist ’54*
Alfred Blake ’36*
Samuel Blum ’34*
Robert Bond ’50*
Charles M. Borkoski ’71, ’12P
Peter R. Bortolan ’60
John Bowab ’55, ’89Hon.
Walter Boyle ’39, ’70P*
Dr. Gerard P. Brennan ’72
Thomas Brunnock, Esq. ’70
Melissa J. Brymer, Ph.D., Psy.D. ’92
C. Ryan Buckley, Esq. ’66, ’00P
Bernard Buonanno ’32, ’75P*
Vito D. Buonomano, D.D.S. ’53, ’76G, ’13Hon., ‘78P, ’80P, ’84P*
Leonard R. Byrne ’63
Joseph Byron ’40, ’88P*
Joseph M. Calabria, Jr. ’65, ’93P
Kathleen A. Calenda, M.D. ’78
Vincent Callahan ’52, ’78P, ’80P, ’82P, ’84P, ’86P*
Patrick J. Canning ’81
John Canty ’70, ’08P
Hon. Frank Caprio ’58, ’08Hon.
Mary Pat Larkin Caputo ’79, ’12P
David M. Carberry, M.D. ’47, ’89P*
Rev. John Francis Carney ’67
James P. Carty ’61
John Cassedy ’52
Helena Cavanagh (Friend)*
John Cavanaugh ’35, ’62P, ’63P, ’66P*
Paul Cavanaugh ’46, ’71P, ’75P*
John A. Cervione ’87
John B. Champeau ’68
Maura Hurley Chapey ’86
Michael J. Chapey ’86
Robert F. Chase ’65
Eileen Harkins Christenson ’90
Gregory Christenson ’89
William Christie ’61, ’11Hon., ’86P, ’93P
Joseph M. Cianciolo ’60
Hon. T. Emmet Claire ’33, ’65P*
Dr. John B. Clark ’72
Herman L. Clary ’67, ’77G*
Paige Clausius-Parks ’03
Rudy Cline-Thomas ’00
John Coffey ’33*
Jerry Coffey ’58, ’87P
Jerome Collins ’44*
Edward Conaty ’33*
William F. Concannon ’77, ’08P
Lester Condon ’43, ’81P*
Maureen P. Corcoran ’79
Andrew C. Corsini ’57, ’81P, ’83P*
Gustave C. Cote ’62Hon. (Faculty)*
T. Richard Cuffe, Jr., Esq. ’67, ’04P*
Donna M. Cupelo ’78, ’12P
Kevin Dailey ’73
Chaka Daley ’96
Hon. Francis J. Darigan, Jr. ’64, ’14Hon.
Msgr. Anthony DeAngelis ’31*
Alfred R. De Angelus ’57, ‘81P*
Richard Deasy ’51, ’83P, ’84P, ’85P, ’87P*
Robert Deasy ’53, ’81P, ’82P*
John E. Deasy, Ph.D. ’83, ’89G
Frank DePalo ’50, ’89P*
Joseph DeStefano ’52, ’85P*
Most Rev. Joseph Augustine DiNoia, O.P., S.T.T., ’65, ’02Hon.
Frank DiTraglia ’40*
Col. Gerry Dillon USA Retired ’68, ’74G, ’95P*
Rev. William Dillon ’29*
Captain Robert F. DiPalma USN Retired ’57*
Joseph R. DiStefano, Esq. ’59, ’86P
Thomas Dodd ’30, ’66P*
William F. Donnelly ’51*
Michael D’Onofrio ’32*
Very Reverend Vincent C. Dore, O.P. ’23*
Gerald Driscoll ’27*
Hon. Melissa R. DuBose ’90
David A. Duffy ’61, ’11Hon., ’93P
Robert Dugan ’64, ’90P, ’92P, ’95P
Normand Dugas ’57, ’82P, ’88P, ’13GP
William Duggan ’66
Paul P. Dunn, M.D. ’41*
Joseph E. Earley ’54 (Faculty)
John Egan ’61*
Rev. Thomas Ertle, O.P. ’51, ’82G & ’84Hon.*
Thomas Fallon ’41*
John Fanning ’38*
Stephen A. Fanning, Jr., Esq. ’50*
Howard Farrell ’24*
Donald P. Fitzpatrick, M.D. ’49
Dr. Thomas F. Flaherty ’61, ’92P, ’93P, ’94P, ’99P
William Flanagan ’36*
James Flannery ’57*
Jack Flynn ’61
Karen Monti Flynn ’80, ‘15P
Donna J. Formichella, M.D., FACS ’78, ’23Hon.
Rev. Cornelius Forster, O.P.*
Rene Fortin ’55, ’86P*
Paul J. Fournier ’56, ’80P, ’81P, ’82P, ’86P, ’90P, ’92P, ’03P
Leo Fox ’60
Dr. Zygmunt J. Friedemann ’08Hon., ’78P, ’80P (Faculty)*
Everett Gabriel ’71, ’77G
Richard A. Gagné ’66
Stephen Gallucci ’89
Paul Galietto ’78, ’15P
Carlo A. Gamba ’52*
Rev. Royal J. Gardner, O.P. ’45, ’65Hon.*
John P. Garrity ’73
Arthur T. Gately, Jr. ’49, ’81P, ’82P*
Joseph A. Gemma ’75, ’77G
John Geoghegan ’43*
Walter Gibbons ’39*
Peter M. Gilligan ’67
Thomas J. Gilligan ’57, ’89P
Jane Louise Gonsalves ’80
Robert T. Gormley ’70, ’97P
Dr. Normand R. Goulet ’51
Dr. Richard Grace ’62, ‘17Hon., ’02P, ’05P, ’09P
Dr. William P. Haas ’48
James G. Hagan ’58, ‘05P
Dr. Joseph H. Hagan ’56, ’96Hon., ‘98P
Theodore Josiha Haig, J.D., Ed.D. ’70
Rev. Raymond F. Halligan, O.P. ’55*
J. Joseph Hanley ’31*
William J. Hanley, Esq. ’68
William A. Hanlon ’58, ’88P*
Cleon Harvey ’51*
Jayne Farrell Hasler ’80, ’13P, ’14P
William Hasler ’79, ’13P, ’14P
Edward Healey ’42*
Thomas F. Heavren, Jr. ’60, ’84P, ’19GP, ’21GP
Msgr. Francis J. Hicks ’63
James Higgins ’23*
Sr. Gail P. Himrod, O.P. (Faculty)
William Hoban ’24*
Very Rev. Ernest Hogan, O.P. ’33*
Richard E. Holzheimer, M.D. ’61
Warren C. Howe, Jr. ’60, ’87P, ’90P
Edward A. Iannuccilli, M.D. ’61, ’94P
Dr. Wanda S. Ingram ’75 (Staff)
William Iovanna ’31*
Dr. Francis J. Jackson ’54*
Lionel J. Jenkins ’58*
Anthony Jurgelaitis ’39*
Henry Kaveny ’27*
Charles Keefe Jr. ’25*
Rev. Terence J. Keegan, O.P. ’60
Thomas Kelleher ’44*
William John Kenneally ’57
Howard Kenny ’42*
Heidi M. Kenny ’76
John Kenny ’31*
Joseph Kerrins ’50*
Joyce Nero Kilmartin ’77, ’83G
Paul Kilmartin ’77
Maryanne Doherty Knott ’76, ‘11P
Kenneth G. Kraetzer ’79
Dr. Robert I. Krasner ’51*
Raymond J. Labbe ’59, ’81P
Alfred A. Lamy ’53, ’81P, ’85P*
James J. Larranaga ’71
Leo Lavallee ’55, ’82P*
Hon. William C. Leary ’60, ’10Hon.
Paul M. Lenahan ’72, ’77G
Joseph Lennon ’40*
Very Rev. Kenneth Letoile, O.P. ’70
Raymond H. Levesque ’50, ’85P*
William Lynch ’28*
Dennis Lynch ’54*
Michael Lynch ’83, ’10P, ’13P, ’15P, ’17P, ’21P
Joseph Lyons ’31*
Dr. Francis P. MacKay ’20Hon. (Faculty)*
Edward L. Maggiacomo, Esq. ’58, ’93P
Brian M. Maher ’68, ’18Hon., ’97P, ’06P*
Lloyd Mahler ’38*
Edwin Mara ’47*
Rev. Robert L. Marciano ’79
William F. Markey, Jr. ’62*
Michael A. Maron ’81, ’08P, ’11P, ’13P, ’16P
Diane Larkin Maron ’81, ’08P, ’11P, ’13P, ’16P
David E. Martinelli ’72, ’76G, ’02P
John E. Martinelli, Esq. ’65, ’08P
Joseph C. Martirano ’59, ’89P
Henry McArdle ’42*
Rev. Thomas McBrien, O.P. ’41*
Dr. Donna McCaffrey ’73G, ’83 Ph.D., ’87G* (Faculty)
Meg McCarthy ’75
Rev. Edward McDermott, O.P. (Faculty)*
Edward J. McElroy ’62, ’87P, ’94P
John McElroy ’65
Joseph McGee ’51*
Rev. Raymond McGonagle, O.P. ’24*
Dr. James H. McGovern ’68G
Raymond L. McGowan ’74
Kevin G. McGuire ’76*
Very Rev. Charles McKenna, O.P. ’26*
William McKenna ’36*
Daniel V. McKinnon, Esq. ’67
Joseph McLaughlin ’42*
Hon. Kevin P. McMahon ’73*
Daniel J. McMorrow, Jr. ’85
Michael A. McNamara ’64, ’99P
Nancy Cavallero McNamara ’84
Lt. Col. Paul K. McNamara, Sr. USA Retired ’63, ’13P
David Meegan, Esq. ’70, ’02P, ’08P
Anthony F. Merlino, M.D. ’51*
Thomas D. Mignanelli ’66*
Domenic Minicucci ’38*
John M. Minicucci ’67
John T. Mitchell ’67, ’94P
Thomas Monohan ’28*
Dr. John V. Monsour ’69
Michael Monti ’30, ’65P*
Linda Morad ’76
Rev. Robert A. Morris, O.P. ’46, ’82Hon.*
William Morton ’41*
John J. Motley, III ’66
Adolph J. Motta, Jr., M.D. ’43*
Mary Motta (Friend)*
E. James Mulcahy ’66, ’96P, ’01P ’21Hon.
Joseph A. Mullaney, Sr. ’65G, ’98Hon., ’78P, ‘79P, ’83P (Staff)*
Col. Fred Mullen ’59
John R. Mullen, M.D. ’78
George E. Murphy ’52*
Robert E. Murphy ’25*
Hon. Robert T. Murphy ’36*
Thomas M. Murphy ’63
John Myrick ’27*
William T. Nero ’55, ’77G, ’82P, ’84P, ’86P, ’89P*
Robert L. Newbert, Jr., ’69
Kevin Newman ’68
William Noon, D.D.S., ’35*
Bernard Norton ’25*
Graham Norton ’31*
John Notte Jr., ’31*
David Novicki, D.P.M., ’69
Reginald A. Nunnally ’74
Francis T. O’Brien ’83P, ’84P, ’88P, ’94P, ’95P (Faculty)
Charles O’Connell, M.D. ’56, ’87P*
Brian T. O’Connor, Esq. ’65
Msgr. Joseph O’Gara ’23*
Joseph E. O’Hara ’71, ’01P
James A. O’Leary, Esq. ’63, ’97P
John Ollquist ’75, ’07P, ’10P
Rhonda Padovano Ollquist ’76, ’07P, ’10P
Jenn O’Meara ’93
John T. O’Neil ’66, ’98P*
Daniel O’Neill Ph.D. ’24*
Robert J. Palmisano ’66, ’98P
Edwin P. Palumbo ’50, ’82P, ’82P, ’83P, ’84P, ’85P, ’87P*
Maurice Paradis ’58, ’79P*
John Parrillo, D.M.D., ’45, ’70P, ’71P, ’77P, ’81P, ’83P*
John J. Partridge, Esq. ’61, ’11Hon.
Dr. Roger L. Pearson ’85P, ’88P, & ’92P (Faculty)*
Very Rev. Thomas Peterson, O.P., ’51*
Rev. John S. Peterson, O.P. ’57*
Kevin C. Phelan ’66
Vincent T. Plona, Jr. ’64, ’07P
Joseph C. Prisco ’49, ’63Hon.*
Rev. Charles T. Quinn, O.P. ’48, ’74Hon.*
Edmund Quinn ’44*
Ed Quinn ’63
Very Rev. Terence Quinn, O.P. (Faculty)*
Rev. Robert Quinn, O.P. (Faculty)*
Augustine Ramos, D.D.S., ’50*
Lawrence C. Reid ’69, ’95P
Robert F. Reilly ’42, ’92Hon.*
Most Rev. Daniel Reilly, D.D., ’69Hon. (Friend)
James H. Reilly, III, Esq. ’69
Hon. Joseph Ress (Friend)*
Chris Riccobono ’01
Amy Parrillo Riccobono ’03
John Ricottilli, Jr. ’54, ’82P
Richard Riley ’37*
John Riley ’41*
David E. Roach ’71, ’02P*
Rev. Kevin D. Robb, O.P. ’71
Paul W. Robey, III ’68, ’95P
Philip V. Robey ’68, ’93P
William P. Robinson ’35, ’64Hon.*
Anthony V. Rocha, M.D. ’72
Gerald F. Rogers, D.M.D. ’41, ’76P*
Mary E. Russell (Faculty)
Arthur F. Ryan ’63, ’89P, ’90Hon.
Dr. Lynne B. Ryan ’07P (Faculty)
Stephen J. Ryan, M.D. ’61, ’77Hon.*
Beryl Sacks ’41*
Dominic B. Schioppo, M.D. ’58, ’85P, ’87P
Rev. Edward H. Schmidt, O.P. (Faculty)*
Paul J. Sears ’59, ’86P, ’88P, ’93P, ’95P, ’18GP, ’21GP*
Natalie Seigle (Faculty)*
Rev. Nicholas Serror, O.P., ’29*
Joseph Shanley ’49, ’80P*
Charles Shea ’32*
Dr. Raymond L. Sickinger ’71
Robert M. Silva ’63, ’91P, ’06P
William D. Slattery, Jr. ’53*
Very Rev. Robert Slavin, O.P. ’28*
Michael T. Smith ’65
Ferdinand Sowa ’48*
Joanne Speroni-Woody ’76, ’80G
Sr. Leslie Straub, O.P., Ph.D. ’83G
Ronald P. Stride ’62
Douglas J. Sullivan ’74*
Very Rev. Kenneth Sullivan, O.P. ’31*
James P. Sullivan ’59, ‘86P*
Michael P. Sullivan ’88
James P. Swartz ’59*
Paul C. Sweeney ’85, ’11P, ’14P, ’23P
David J. Syner, C.P.A. ’71, ‘97P
Wallace Tasca ’40, ’77P, ’80P*
Stephen Taylor ’84, ’14P
George R. Tebbetts ’34*
Dr. Sally J. Thibodeau ’66G (Faculty)
John R. Thompson, Jr. ’64*
Rev. Paul van K. Thomson, Ph.D.,’75P, ’77P, ’79p (Faculty)*
Maurice Timlin ’40*
Martin Tracey, M.D. ’46*
David M. Tracy ’46*
Dr. Francis R. Trainor ’50, ’10Hon.*
David J. Tubridy, Esq. ’46, ’71P, ’83P*
Joseph Ungaro ’52 & ’86P*
Vincent F. Vacca, M.D. ’56, ’00P, ’00P
Robert J. Van Amburgh ’69, ’96P, ’03P
Eugene T. Voll ’55*
Dr. Kenneth R. Walker, Sr. ’57, ’83Hon.*
Christopher J. Walker ’86, ’20P, ’23P
Susan Tower Walker ’86, ’20P, ’23P
Bishop Paul H. Walsh ’59*
William F. Wayland ’58, ’85P
Peggy Martin Weber ’76, ’04P, ’06P, ’10P
David Webster, Esq. ’55, ’86P*
Albert B. West, Esq. ’54, ’84P, ’87P, ’14GP, ’15GP, ’18GP*
Paul F. Whalen ’72*
Major W. Wheelock ’58
Leonard R. Wilkens, Jr. ’60, ’80 Hon.
Barbara Quinn Witbeck ’75
Michael McKeldon Woody ’77, ’83G
Kathleen Walsh Wynters ’82
Rev. Peter Young ’44*
Rev. Philip A. Smith, O.P. Award
(Instituted as a Young Alumni Award in 2013)
Brian Barbour, Ph.D. (Faculty)
Katie Breen ’08
Capt. Michael R. Calcagni, CPA ’04
Rev. Thomas Ertle, O.P. ’51, ’82G, ’84Hon.*
Katie Ferris ’13
Daniel P. Gleason ’05
Andrea Urrutia Hessenius ’09
Christopher J. Hessenius, Jr. ’09
Mike Hopkins ’10
Catherine Kelleher ’01P (Staff)
Br. Kevin O’Connell, O.P. (Faculty)*
Kelli O’Donohue ’11
Amanda Mathieu Palumbo ’11
Mark Rapoza ’90SCE
Steven Sears, Ed. D. (Staff)
Michael Verzino ’07, ’11G